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[[File: Jen.JPG| thumb| Me]]
[[File: Jen.JPG| thumb| Me, 2017]]
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible" style="width:50em;">
''I'm a Research Scientist at the Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program. <br>
I'm a Research Scientist at the Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program.  
I'm trying to fill this wiki site with lots of useful information for you. <br>
I would love for you to use the wiki, cite the wiki and recommend the site to friends.
I really need you to use the site, recommend the site to friends, and send me feedback though.<br>
If you send in your comments, concerns, questions and feedback we can make this wiki work for you.
Cheers, <br>
[https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennychill/ ''Jen'']

For my work on STEP's LID SWM Planning and Design Guide, I won the 2018 [https://ecoimpact.ca/ EPt class ECO impact award.]


{{Col-begin|1=Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed imperdiet semper massa et scelerisque. Proin maximus auctor est, in dictum urna imperdiet non. Maecenas non orci ut dolor aliquet consectetur sit amet vel metus. Quisque pharetra mauris quis urna sagittis, sit amet commodo enim pharetra. Proin nulla justo, fermentum ac finibus non, bibendum a erat. Vivamus porta nisi at sagittis gravida. Donec vulputate, felis et faucibus semper, lectus arcu condimentum enim, at consequat enim leo nec arcu. Sed volutpat efficitur orci ut tristique. Nulla consequat orci ac arcu lacinia, id consequat purus sollicitudin. Vivamus semper velit in lectus convallis, in egestas magna mollis. Suspendisse nulla dolor, faucibus eu leo sed, placerat pharetra est. Nulla feugiat odio libero, eget fermentum ante congue at. Suspendisse potenti. Duis interdum erat vitae ex egestas pulvinar. Maecenas augue justo, mollis nec sollicitudin at, auctor bibendum nisi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.}}
==Who are you?==
OK, so you found my page, but if you're visiting the wiki in 2019:
Aliquam accumsan metus sem, id ornare ex congue ut. Proin scelerisque suscipit vehicula. Fusce nec sapien sit amet ipsum fermentum egestas a in lectus. Donec fermentum, odio eget luctus ultricies, tellus diam hendrerit ante, eget sagittis ex sapien non nisi. Quisque purus libero, porta at nibh et, aliquam eleifend dolor. Nunc vitae nibh enim. In suscipit urna vitae nisi ullamcorper placerat. Morbi semper consectetur lobortis. Morbi faucibus nisi id cursus dictum. Nulla vulputate nisi risus, in feugiat nulla molestie nec. Nunc in nibh laoreet augue iaculis faucibus nec ac orci.
*There's an 8 % chance you don't use English as a first language.  
*There's a roughly 50% chance you're outside of Canada.  
*It's slightly more likely that you identify as male, rather than female.  
*You're most likely to be between 25-34 years old.  
Welcome all of you!!

Latest revision as of 18:25, 3 July 2019

Me, 2017

I'm a Research Scientist at the Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program.
I would love for you to use the wiki, cite the wiki and recommend the site to friends.
If you send in your comments, concerns, questions and feedback we can make this wiki work for you.

For my work on STEP's LID SWM Planning and Design Guide, I won the 2018 EPt class ECO impact award.


Who are you?[edit]

OK, so you found my page, but if you're visiting the wiki in 2019:

  • There's an 8 % chance you don't use English as a first language.
  • There's a roughly 50% chance you're outside of Canada.
  • It's slightly more likely that you identify as male, rather than female.
  • You're most likely to be between 25-34 years old.

Welcome all of you!!