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* Replacing large quantities of failed [[Plants|plantings]], [[filter media]] or [[topsoil]]
* Replacing large quantities of failed [[Plants|plantings]], [[filter media]] or [[topsoil]]
===Responsible Parties===
Large municipalities and property management organizations with numerous properties and BMPs to maintain may choose to use in-house staff to conduct BMP maintenance. However, for small to medium-sized organizations, employing private contractors is often more efficient than hiring new staff and purchasing equipment. Another option is entering into an agreement with neighboring local municipalities, the upper-tier municipality or other property managers with stormwater BMPs to maintain to share responsibilities and maximize economies of scale in the use of equipment and personnel.
===Tracking, Verifying & Enforcing Maintenance Requirements===
For municipalities, enabling policies and program tracking and evaluation systems are key components of an effective stormwater BMP inspection and maintenance program. Before a development proposal is approved, each BMP in the SWM plan that contributes to meeting regulatory requirements should at a minimum, have an inspection and maintenance plan prepared and included in submissions for plan review and approval. Ideally, each BMP that contributes to meeting regulatory requirements should be part of an ECA or maintenance agreement that includes inspection and maintenance plans specific to each type of BMP in the associated site or subdivision plan.
When up-to-date inspection and maintenance records are not on file with the municipality and cannot be produced by the property owner, or a BMP is found through inspection to be inadequately maintained, mechanisms to enforce compliance with the conditions of the ECA or maintenance agreement must be in place going forward.

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