geotextile-with-excess-and-granular.jpg | Excess fabric is draped over the edges of the LID practice, and backfilling with granular is taking place.
geotextile-with-excess-and-granular.jpg | Excess fabric is draped over the edges of the LID practice, and backfilling with granular is taking place.
geotextile-backfill-underdrain.jpg | Footprint with geotextile, granular, and underdrain.
geotextile-backfill-underdrain.jpg | Footprint with geotextile, granular, and underdrain.
Where structural loads are anticipated or underlying soil is particularly soft, geogrid can be applied in conjunction with geotextile. Geogrid is a rigid geosynthetic material that can be laid on sub-grade to reinforce softer soils and provide a more even distribution of loads across the sub-grade materials.<br>