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Revision as of 15:03, 5 July 2017

  • The site of the infiltration practice should remain outside the limit of disturbance until construction of the facility begins, to prevent soil compaction by heavy equipment.
  • This area must not be used as the site of sediment basins during construction, as the concentration of fines will reduce post-construction infiltration.
  • This area must not be use as a staging area, for storing materials.
  • To prevent sediment from clogging the surface, stormwater must be diverted away from the facility until the drainage area is fully stabilized.
  • As many infiltration facilities are installed in the road right-of-way or tight urban spaces, considerations of traffic control and utility conflicts must be part of the plans and inspections.

The following is a typical construction sequence to properly install an infiltration practice:

  1. The area should be fully protected by silt fence or construction fencing to prevent compaction by construction traffic and equipment,
  2. Installation may only begin after entire contributing drainage area has been either stabilized or flows have been safely routed around the area. The designer should check the boundaries of the contributing drainage area to ensure it conforms to original design,
  3. The pretreatment part of the design should be excavated first and sealed until full construction is completed,
  4. Excavators or backhoes working adjacent to the proposed infiltration area should excavate to the appropriate design depth,
  5. The soil in the bottom of the excavation may be ripped to promote greater infiltration,
  6. Any accidental sediment accumulation from construction should be removed at this time,