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Line 36: Line 36:
|[''Armeria maritima 'Dusseldorf Pride''']|| Dusseldorf Pride Sea Thrift || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 3 ||  ||  ||style=background:Magenta| 1 ||  
|[''Armeria maritima 'Dusseldorf Pride''']|| Dusseldorf Pride Sea Thrift || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 3 ||  ||  ||style=background:Magenta| 1 ||  
|''Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound'''|| Silver Mound Artemesia || 1-2 || Y || 2-3 || 3 ||  ||  ||style=background:GhostWhite| O ||  
|[''Artemisia schmidtiana'']|| Silver Mound Artemesia || 1-2 || Y || 2-3 || 3 ||  ||  ||style=background:GhostWhite| O ||  
|[ ''Aruncus dioicus'']|| Bride's Feathers || 2-3 || Y || 1-2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:Ivory| O ||  
|[ ''Aruncus dioicus'']|| Bride's Feathers || 2-3 || Y || 1-2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:Ivory| O ||  
Line 46: Line 46:
|[ ''Baptisia alba'']|| Rattlebox, White Wild Indigo || 1 || Y || 3 || 3 ||  ||  ||style=background:White| O ||  
|[ ''Baptisia alba'']|| Rattlebox, White Wild Indigo || 1 || Y || 3 || 3 ||  ||  ||style=background:White| O ||  
|''Baptisia australis''|| Blue Wild Indigo || 1 ||  || 3 || 3 ||  ||  ||style=background:MediumSlateBlue| 3 ||  
|[''Baptisia australis'']|| Blue Wild Indigo || 1 ||  || 3 || 3 ||  ||  ||style=background:MediumSlateBlue| 3 ||  
|[ ''Bidens cernua'']|| Nodding Beggar-ticks || 3 || Y || 1 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:Yellow| 2 ||  
|[ ''Bidens cernua'']|| Nodding Beggar-ticks || 3 || Y || 1 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:Yellow| 2 ||  
Line 52: Line 52:
|[ ''Bidens frondosa'']|| Devil's Beggar-ticks || 2 || Y || 1-2 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:Gold| 2 ||  
|[ ''Bidens frondosa'']|| Devil's Beggar-ticks || 2 || Y || 1-2 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:Gold| 2 ||  
|''Boltonia asteroides''|| Boltonia, False Aster || 2 ||  || 2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:White| O || ☆
|[''Boltonia asteroides'']|| Boltonia, False Aster || 2 ||  || 2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:White| O || ☆
|[ ''Caltha palustris'']|| Marsh Marigold || 2-3 || Y || 1 || 1 ||  ||  ||style=background:Gold| 2 ||  
|[ ''Caltha palustris'']|| Marsh Marigold || 2-3 || Y || 1 || 1 ||  ||  ||style=background:Gold| 2 ||  
|''Cerastium arvense ssp. strictum''|| Field Chickweed || 1 || Y || 2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:White| O ||  
|[''Cerastium arvense ssp. strictum'']|| Field Chickweed || 1 || Y || 2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:White| O ||  
|[ ''Chelone glabra'']|| White Turtlehead || 2-3 ||  || 1 || 1 ||  ||  ||style=background:White| O || ☆
|[ ''Chelone glabra'']|| White Turtlehead || 2-3 ||  || 1 || 1 ||  ||  ||style=background:White| O || ☆
|''Chelone lyonii''|| Pink Turtlehead e.g. cultivar 'Hot Lips' || 2 || Y || 1 || 1 ||  ||  ||style=background:Pink| 1 || ☆
|[''Chelone lyonii'']|| Pink Turtlehead e.g. cultivar 'Hot Lips' || 2 || Y || 1 || 1 ||  ||  ||style=background:Pink| 1 || ☆
|[ ''Coreopsis lanceolata'']|| Lance-leaved Coreopsis || 1-2 || Y || 3 || 3 ||  ||  ||style=background:Gold| 2 ||  
|[ ''Coreopsis lanceolata'']|| Lance-leaved Coreopsis || 1-2 || Y || 3 || 3 ||  ||  ||style=background:Gold| 2 ||  
|''Coreopsis rosea''|| Pink-flowered Tickseed || 2 ||  || 2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:Pink| 1 ||  
|[''Coreopsis rosea'']|| Pink-flowered Tickseed || 2 ||  || 2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:Pink| 1 ||  
|[ ''Desmodium canadense'']|| Showy Tick-trefoil || 1-2 ||  || 1-2 || 3 ||  || Y ||style=background:Violet| 1 ||  
|[ ''Desmodium canadense'']|| Showy Tick-trefoil || 1-2 ||  || 1-2 || 3 ||  || Y ||style=background:Violet| 1 ||  
Line 98: Line 98:
|[ ''Heliopsis helianthoides'']|| Oxeye Sunflower || 2 ||  || 2-3 || ? ||  ||  ||style=background:Yellow| 2 ||  
|[ ''Heliopsis helianthoides'']|| Oxeye Sunflower || 2 ||  || 2-3 || ? ||  ||  ||style=background:Yellow| 2 ||  
|''Hosta spp.''|| Hosta (various) || 1-3 || Y || 1-2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:Lavender| 3 ||  
|[''Hosta spp.'']|| Hosta (various) || 1-3 || Y || 1-2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:Lavender| 3 ||  
|[ ''Hydrophyllum virginianum'']|| John's Cabbage / Virginia Waterleaf || 2 || Y || 2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:Lavender| 3 ||  
|[ ''Hydrophyllum virginianum'']|| John's Cabbage / Virginia Waterleaf || 2 || Y || 2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:Lavender| 3 ||  
Line 108: Line 108:
|[ ''Lespedeza capitata'']|| Round-head Bush-clover || 1-2 || Y || 2-3 || 3 ||  || Y ||style=background:Snow| O ||  
|[ ''Lespedeza capitata'']|| Round-head Bush-clover || 1-2 || Y || 2-3 || 3 ||  || Y ||style=background:Snow| O ||  
|''Leucanthemum x superbum''|| Shasta Daisy || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:LightYellow| 2 ||  
|[''Leucanthemum superbum'']|| Shasta Daisy || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:LightYellow| 2 ||  
|[ ''Lobelia siphilitica'']|| Great Blue Lobelia || 2-3 || Y || 1 || 1 ||  ||  ||style=background:CornflowerBlue| 3 || ☆
|[ ''Lobelia siphilitica'']|| Great Blue Lobelia || 2-3 || Y || 1 || 1 ||  ||  ||style=background:CornflowerBlue| 3 || ☆
Line 134: Line 134:
|[ ''Potentilla anserina'']|| Silverweed || 3 ||  || 3 || 2 || Y || Y ||style=background:LemonChiffon| 2 ||  
|[ ''Potentilla anserina'']|| Silverweed || 3 ||  || 3 || 2 || Y || Y ||style=background:LemonChiffon| 2 ||  
|''Rudbeckia fulgida''|| Orange Coneflower || 1-2 ||  || 3 || ? ||  ||  ||style=background:DarkOrange|2 ||  
|[''Rudbeckia fulgida'']|| Orange Coneflower || 1-2 ||  || 3 || ? ||  ||  ||style=background:DarkOrange|2 ||  
|[ ''Rudbeckia hirta'']|| Black-Eyed Susan || 1-3 ||  || 2-3 || 3 ||  ||  ||style=background:Gold| 2 || ☆
|[ ''Rudbeckia hirta'']|| Black-Eyed Susan || 1-3 ||  || 2-3 || 3 ||  ||  ||style=background:Gold| 2 || ☆
Line 140: Line 140:
|[ ''Rudbeckia laciniata'']|| Green-Headed Coneflower, Cut-leaf Coneflower || 2-3 || Y || 2 || 2 || Y || Y ||style=background:Yellow| 2 ||  
|[ ''Rudbeckia laciniata'']|| Green-Headed Coneflower, Cut-leaf Coneflower || 2-3 || Y || 2 || 2 || Y || Y ||style=background:Yellow| 2 ||  
|''Salvia spp.''|| Sage (various) || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:SlateBlue| 3 || ☆
|[''Salvia spp.'']|| Sage (various) || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:SlateBlue| 3 || ☆
|''Sedum album''|| White Stonecrop || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:FloralWhite| O || ☆
|[''Sedum album'']|| White Stonecrop || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:FloralWhite| O || ☆
|''Sedum hybridum''|| Hybrid Stonecrop || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 2 || Y ||  || style=background:Khaki|2 || ☆
|[''Sedum hybridum'']|| Hybrid Stonecrop || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 2 || Y ||  || style=background:Khaki|2 || ☆
|''Sedum reflexum''|| Jenny's Stonecrop || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:Yellow| 2 || ☆
|[''Sedum reflexum'']|| Jenny's Stonecrop || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:Yellow| 2 || ☆
|''Sedum sexangulare''|| Tasteless Stonecrop || 1-2 || Y || 3 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:Yellow| 2 || ☆
|[''Sedum sexangulare'']|| Tasteless Stonecrop || 1-2 || Y || 3 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:Yellow| 2 || ☆
|''Sedum spurium''|| Dragon's Blood Sedum || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:Crimson| 1 || ☆
|[''Sedum spurium'']|| Dragon's Blood Sedum || 1-2 ||  || 3 || 2 || Y ||  ||style=background:Crimson| 1 || ☆
|[ ''Sisyrinchium montanum'']|| Strict Blue-eyed-grass || 2-3 ||  || 2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:MediumSlateBlue| 3 ||  
|[ ''Sisyrinchium montanum'']|| Strict Blue-eyed-grass || 2-3 ||  || 2 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:MediumSlateBlue| 3 ||  
Line 168: Line 168:
|[ ''Solidago rugosa ssp. rugosa'']|| Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod || 2 ||  || 1-2 || 2 ||  || Y ||style=background:yellow| 2 ||  
|[ ''Solidago rugosa ssp. rugosa'']|| Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod || 2 ||  || 1-2 || 2 ||  || Y ||style=background:yellow| 2 ||  
|''Stachys byzantina''|| Lambs' Ears || 1-2 ||  || 2-3 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:Plum| 3 ||  
|[''Stachys byzantina'']|| Lambs' Ears || 1-2 ||  || 2-3 || 2 ||  ||  ||style=background:Plum| 3 ||  
|[ ''Symphyotrichum cordifolium'']|| Heart-leaved Aster || 1 || Y || 2-3 || 2-3 || Y ||  ||style=background:Pink| 1 || ☆
|[ ''Symphyotrichum cordifolium'']|| Heart-leaved Aster || 1 || Y || 2-3 || 2-3 || Y ||  ||style=background:Pink| 1 || ☆


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