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For underground conveyances (i.e., catchbasins, manholes, [[pipes]]), BMPs, [[pretreatment]] devices, and in-line [[filters]], sediment removal often requires crews performing the work to enter confined spaces. Contractors or staff performing the work must have confined space entry training to satisfy occupational health and safety requirements ([https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/050632#:~:text=(1)%20Every%20worker%20who%20enters,632%2F05%2C%20s. Ont. Reg. 632/05 – Confined Spaces Regulation]). <br>
How the material removed from conveyances, LID BMPs, [[pretreatment]] devices and in-line filters will be safely and sustainably managed also needs consideration. Due to the small drainage area of most LID BMPs, the rate at which they accumulate sediment and associated contaminants tends to be low in comparison to centralized stormwater treatment facilities like [[SWM ponds|stormwater ponds]] or detention chambers/tanks that receive drainage from much larger areas. As a result, the potential for sediment accumulated in LID BMPs to qualify as contaminated according to [https://www.ontario.ca/page/soil-ground-water-and-sediment-standards-use-under-part-xv1-environmental-protection-act Ontario Brownfields Regulation 153/04 standards for soil and sediment (OMOE, 2011)] is low. <br>
Most often, contractors or staff performing sediment removal maintenance procedures will be cleaning multiple BMPs and pretreatment devices at multiple sites on any given day. At the end of the day, the mixture of material collected either manually, or by vacuum equipment (e.g., regenerative air or vacuum sweeper, vacuum/soil blower truck, hydro-vac truck) will include a mixture of re-usable, recyclable and non-recyclable constituents. In order to recover reusable and recyclable materials and minimize the volume of material needing to be managed otherwise, the mixture should be screened to isolate trash (for recycling or disposal), natural debris and [[mulch]] (for composting), and [[gravel]] - to pebble-sized [[aggregates]] (for washing and re-use) from finer (i.e., [[sand]] - to [[Texture|clay-sized]]) material. The sand- to clay-sized material (i.e., material passing a 2 mm diameter ([https://www.endecotts.com/faq/sieves-and-calibration/american-standard-test-sieve-series-astm/ ASTM No. 10]) sieve) should then be assessed and managed in accordance with [https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/900347 provincial regulations (O.Reg. 347)].

Revision as of 18:41, 24 June 2022

Fill from Section 4.0 of the 2016 Guide!!

draw on LID I&M Guide section 4 content (see training presentation for ideas for images/photos) and include content on Inspection and Maintenance page under section title of the same name. Add links to the new page to relevant BMP landing pages under “Design” section titles too.


Designing LID BMPs with ease of inspection and maintenance in mind is critical to the affordability of municipal stormwater infrastructure asset management programs and must be considered early on in the overall activity. Generally this occurs during the design and an early stage in the plan review and approval process. The following sections provide tips on tailoring the design of LID BMPs to help reduce the frequency of structural repairs and make inspection and maintenance tasks easier and cheaper to perform by either municipal staff or hired external consultants.

Provide Runoff Pretreatment[edit]

Pretreatment refers to techniques or devices used to retain coarse materials suspended in stormwater runoff, either through filtration or settling, before it enters the BMP rendering it inefficient over time. Proper pretreatment extends the operating phase of the BMP’s life cycle by reducing the rate of accumulation of coarse sediment, thus delaying the need for at times expensive structural repairs like unclogging filter beds, pipes and orifices. Common pretreatment devices include vegetated filter strips, grass swales, geotextile-lined inlet filters/liners, check dams, forebays, eavestrough screens or filters, Oil and grit separators (i.e., hydrodynamic separators) and manholes containing baffles, filters and sumps. One important consideration for pretreatment is that these devices require frequent (i.e., at minimal, annual) sediment and trash removal maintenance and should be easy to access by inspection personnel.

Design Low Maintenance Conveyance Systems[edit]

The design of conveyance systems that carry stormwater into the BMP should anticipate potential maintenance issues and include features to minimize or avoid them.

For example, during large storm events, rapidly flowing water into or out of the BMP often causes erosion in vegetated practices. Inlet and outlet designs should consider protective features that prevent erosion. The size of inlets to BMPs and their slope also needs careful consideration as small, gently sloping openings are easily clogged with coarse debris and sediment which could cause stormwater flows to by-pass or not enter the BMP, increasing maintenance needs.

  • Curb cuts should curve into the BMP so that flowing stormwater does not have to turn sharply to enter and inlets should be sloped at between 5 and 10%.
  • Inlets should also be easily accessible and unobstructed by permanent covers to make trash, sediment and debris removal maintenance easy to perform.
  • When designing stormwater infiltration BMPs, consideration should be given to where the majority of trash, sediment and debris will accumulate in the BMP and where snow storage will occur (a significant source area for sediment and debris).
  • Infiltration BMPs should include pretreatment devices, inlet designs or forebays that allow accumulation to occur without blocking inflow (e.g., 5 cm change in grade between pavement surface and BMP surface) and that isolate sedimentation areas from the main portions of the filter bed so that the area disturbed through routine sediment removal maintenance is minimized.

Inspection & Maintenance Features[edit]

During planning and design phases of an LID management plan, consideration for how they will be maintained (what equipment is needed, who is responsible for conducting maintenance, how often should said maintenance occur for a given LID BMP? etc.) and what features are needed to perform necessary inspection and maintenance tasks are all required questions to be answered by the municipality.

The following table provides some examples of inspection and maintenance features that should be considered in the BMP process:

I&M Features to be Considered in BMP Design Phase


Infiltration BMPs
For infiltration BMPs, monitoring wells that extend to the bottom and standpipes or manholes connected to sub-drains that allow access for drainage performance verification through water level measurements and routine flushing of sediment from pipes.
For infiltration BMPs, sub-drain pipes should be 200 mm in diameter and be connected to manholes, maintenance hatches or standpipes (for standpipes, it is best to use two (2) 45 degree couplings) to allow for inspection by closed circuit camera (i.e., push camera) and sediment removal by jet-vac equipment.
Vegetated BMPs
For vegetated BMPs, consideration should be given to what source of water will be drawn upon for irrigation during the establishment/warranty period, how it will be delivered to the BMP (e.g., is equipment with sufficient volume and pressure available?), and in some cases an irrigation system should be part of the BMP design (e.g., green roofs).
For vegetated BMPs in high pedestrian traffic areas, consider the need for walkways or stepping stones and barriers to help limit foot traffic to designated portions of the BMP, or discourage it altogether if it is causing vegetation maintenance issues.
Underground Pretreatment or BMPs
For underground pretreatment devices or BMPs, the associated manholes or maintenance hatches should be close to a drivable surface/path that can support the heavy vehicles needed for sediment removal maintenance (e.g., hydrovac trucks) and consider installing a staff gauge or graduated measuring tape to allow sediment depth to be assessed visually from the ground surface, without having to enter the confined space.
Green Roofs and Blue Roofs
Safe and efficient means of accessing and exiting a green roof or blue roof site for installation, inspection and maintenance is a primary consideration as it will influence the time and effort required to transport tools, equipment and materials to and from the site.
For green roofs and blue roofs, tie-off points for ladders and personal fall protection safety equipment should be incorporated in the roof design for use by individuals performing inspection and maintenance work.
General Considerations
Lockable caps on monitoring wells and sub-drain clean-out standpipes to prevent unauthorized access, tampering, or vandalism.
Features for taking the BMP off-line or draining stored water by gravity to improve ease of inspection and sediment removal maintenance tasks.
Inlets should be readily accessible from surface conveyances, catchbasins, manholes or access hatches to avoid the need for specialized equipment for inspection (e.g., closed circuit or remote controlled cameras).

Inclusion of Planting Plans[edit]

All vegetated BMP designs should include planting plans that specify species that can tolerate both wet and dry conditions and, for BMPs that will receive de-icing salt laden runoff during winter, species that are salt tolerant. Further consideration should be given to species that are both pollution and soil compaction tolerant given the location of many BMPs along roadways and near public spaces. Where possible, planting should done during the wettest seasons/months of the year (e.g., early spring and mid-to-late fall) to help minimize the need for irrigation (and staff time and equipment) during the establishment/warranty period. Use of drought-tolerant and native species will help minimize or eliminate the need for irrigation during the operating phase of the BMP life cycle. Good vegetation cover on the surface and side slopes of BMPs helps to maintain infiltration function, contributes to runoff volume reduction function through evapotranspiration, and helps prevent erosion of soil and/or mulch cover from flowing overland water.

Both common and botanical (i.e., species Latin name) names should be used on planting plans so that inspectors and maintainers of the vegetation are better able to recognize or develop the means of recognizing the plants in the field and distinguishing them from pervasive weeds. Planting plans should also specify the planting method (e.g., seed vs. sod) and plant or container size (e.g., saplings vs. caliper tree; plugs vs. pots; bare root vs. root ball). Any deviations from the planting plan or species substitutions should be noted on as-built drawings/planting plans.

All construction contracts that include vegetation should specify a minimum two (2) year warranty period (i.e., establishment period) for the plants, which begins after planting is completed, and ends when the BMP is assumed by the owner. Over the warranty/establishment period the contractor is responsible for routine maintenance tasks (e.g., watering, weeding, and sediment and trash removal).

Consideration should be given to specifying a phased approach to planting in construction contracts, in which planting occurs in two stages (e.g., fall and the following spring; spring and the following fall) to help ensure the full palette of plants specified in the plan are available. Thereby, any failed plantings from the first stage of planting are sure to be replaced in the second. If many or all plantings of a certain species do not survive the first phase, they can be substituted with another more tolerant or suitable species in the second (A list of suitable shrubs, trees, graminoids, etc. can be found on our Plant lists page).

Inclusion of Sediment Removal Plans[edit]

As mentioned previously, it is recommended that, where possible, pretreatment devices be included in BMP designs that help retain coarse sediment and debris in an easily accessible location before it enters the BMP itself. However even with pretreatment devices in place, fine sediment will inevitably reach the BMP and accumulate over time. LID BMP designs need to consider how sediment can be removed from associated manhole sumps, pretreatment devices, inlets and pipes, and include adequate features and routes for access by necessary equipment.

Sediment Removal Equipment per BMP Type


Equipment Required for Sediment Removal
Permeable Pavers For permeable pavements, regenerative air sweeper (for routine maintenance) or vacuum sweeper (for rehabilitation) equipment (e.g., street cleaner trucks or more compact units) will be needed, so designs should allow access to the majority of the surface by necessary equipment (e.g., minimize obstructions and sharp corners);
Inlets, Grass filter strips, gravel diaphragms, Check dams, and Forebays Use of a vacuum sweeper truck with hose attachment, soil blower truck (operated in reverse), sidewalk vacuum or hand tools (e.g., rakes and shovels) are options for each of these pretreatment devices and flow controlling/detention devices.
Vegetated BMPs For removing sediment from the filter beds of vegetated BMPs, use of a vacuum truck with hose attachment, soil blower truck (operated in reverse) or hand tools are options that can minimize the need to remove established vegetation, while use of a small excavator or backhoe can also be effective, but will require vegetation removal and transplanting (where feasible) or replacement after the work is completed.
Underground BMPs For underground BMPs (e.g., underground infiltration systems, soil cells) and associated pretreatment devices (e.g., manhole sumps, hydrodynamic/oil and grit separators, isolator rows, forebays), and in-line filters, hydro-vac trucks will likely be needed.

For underground conveyances (i.e., catchbasins, manholes, pipes), BMPs, pretreatment devices, and in-line filters, sediment removal often requires crews performing the work to enter confined spaces. Contractors or staff performing the work must have confined space entry training to satisfy occupational health and safety requirements (Ont. Reg. 632/05 – Confined Spaces Regulation).

How the material removed from conveyances, LID BMPs, pretreatment devices and in-line filters will be safely and sustainably managed also needs consideration. Due to the small drainage area of most LID BMPs, the rate at which they accumulate sediment and associated contaminants tends to be low in comparison to centralized stormwater treatment facilities like stormwater ponds or detention chambers/tanks that receive drainage from much larger areas. As a result, the potential for sediment accumulated in LID BMPs to qualify as contaminated according to Ontario Brownfields Regulation 153/04 standards for soil and sediment (OMOE, 2011) is low.

Most often, contractors or staff performing sediment removal maintenance procedures will be cleaning multiple BMPs and pretreatment devices at multiple sites on any given day. At the end of the day, the mixture of material collected either manually, or by vacuum equipment (e.g., regenerative air or vacuum sweeper, vacuum/soil blower truck, hydro-vac truck) will include a mixture of re-usable, recyclable and non-recyclable constituents. In order to recover reusable and recyclable materials and minimize the volume of material needing to be managed otherwise, the mixture should be screened to isolate trash (for recycling or disposal), natural debris and mulch (for composting), and gravel - to pebble-sized aggregates (for washing and re-use) from finer (i.e., sand - to clay-sized) material. The sand- to clay-sized material (i.e., material passing a 2 mm diameter (ASTM No. 10) sieve) should then be assessed and managed in accordance with provincial regulations (O.Reg. 347).