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==Inclusion of Planting Plans==
All vegetated BMP designs should include planting plans that specify [[Plants|species]] that can tolerate both wet and dry conditions and, for BMPs that will receive de-icing salt laden runoff during winter, species
that are salt tolerant. Further consideration should be given to species that are both pollution and soil compaction tolerant given the location of many BMPs along roadways and near public spaces. Where possible, planting should done during the wettest seasons/months of the year (e.g., early spring and mid-to-late fall) to help minimize the need for irrigation (and staff time and equipment) during the establishment/warranty period. Use of drought-tolerant and native species will help minimize or eliminate the need for irrigation during the operating phase of the BMP life cycle. Good vegetation cover on the surface and side slopes of BMPs helps to maintain infiltration function, contributes to runoff volume reduction function through evapotranspiration, and helps prevent erosion of soil and/or mulch cover from flowing overland water.
Both common and botanical (i.e., species Latin name) names should be used on planting plans so that inspectors and maintainers of the vegetation are better able to recognize or develop the means of recognizing the plants in the field and distinguishing them from pervasive weeds. Planting plans should also specify the planting method (e.g., seed vs. sod) and plant or container size (e.g., saplings vs. caliper tree; plugs vs. pots; bare root vs. root ball). Any deviations from the planting plan or species substitutions should be noted on as-built drawings/planting plans.
All construction contracts that include [[vegetation]] should specify a minimum two (2) year warranty period (i.e., establishment period) for the plants, which begins after planting is completed, and ends when the BMP is assumed by the owner. Over the warranty/establishment period the contractor is responsible for routine maintenance tasks (e.g., watering, weeding, and sediment and trash removal).
Consideration should be given to specifying a phased approach to planting in construction contracts, in which planting occurs in two stages (e.g., fall and the following spring; spring and the following fall) to help ensure the full palette of plants specified in the plan are available. Thereby, any failed plantings from the first stage of planting are sure to be replaced in the second. If many or all plantings of a certain species do not survive the first phase, they can be substituted with another more tolerant or suitable species in the second (A list of suitable shrubs, trees, graminoids, etc. can be found on our [[Plant lists]] page).

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