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From LID SWM Planning and Design Guide
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*Placement of curb cuts on steep slopes or the down slope side of a catchbasin<br>  
*Placement of curb cuts on steep slopes or the down slope side of a catchbasin<br>  

{{:Curb cuts: Gallery}}
For more information on curb cuts, see these pages: [[Curb cuts]], [[Curb cuts: Gallery]] and [[Bioretention: Streetscapes]]<br>                                       

For more information on curb cuts, see these pages: [[Curb cuts]] and [[Bioretention: Streetscapes]]<br>                                       
'''Pre-treatment and Inlet'''<br>     
Pre-treatment structures are most cost effective when they slow down incoming flows, collect sediment for easy clean out, and slowly release water to the bioretention facility mitigating erosion. Pre-treatment structures/strategies can include [[curb cuts]][[Aggregates]], proprietary devices like filters or hydrodynamic separators,  vegetation, concrete sumps and etc.

'''Pre-treatment and Inlet'''<br>    
Construction Steps:<br>  
Pre-treatment structures are most cost effective when they slow down incoming flows, collect sediment for easy clean out, and release water to the bioretention facility in a non-erosive way. Some pre-treatment structures/strategies include:
Installation of pre-treatment features will vary based upon type. Similarly, installation timeline will range with type and could occur at excavation and mass grading, curb work or at finishing grade. Given pre-treatment features are typically integrated with the LID inlet coordination amongst multiple sub-contractors is sometime needed. The following details steps for various pre-treatment types:
*Vegetation: Follow the guidance shown below in the section “Plant Material Verification and Installation”
*Curbing: Follow the guidance shown above in the section “Curbing”.
*Aggregate: Follow the guidance shown above in the section “Stone reservoir”.
*Proprietary pre-treatment device:
#Excavate and prepare base for proprietary pre-treatment device according to design.  
#Install proprietary pre-treatment device according manufacturer directions.
#Manufacturer representative may need to confirm proper installation and functioning through approved testing and inspection.

* Vegetation: If sized correctly, it works more effectively in areas with more dispersed flow. However, in concentrated flow and sediment areas it might not be the best option. Sediment removal can be more difficult in areas of dense vegetation. An advantage of using vegetation as pre-treatment is that it can be easily integrated into the landscape design.
* Concrete curbing

Construction steps:
Construction steps:

Revision as of 20:18, 18 July 2022

This section is also applicable to: Bioswale Rain garden

Construction Tasks Table[edit]

Construction Stage Construction Task Bioretention Bioswale Rain garden
Pre-Construction Verification of Siting and LID Design x x x
Communication and Utilities Coordination x x x
Installation of ESC and Construction Fencing x x x
ESC Inspection and Maintenance (ongoing) x x x
Excavation and
Mass Grading
Clearing and Grubbing x x x
Excavation x x x
Rough Grade x x x
Verification of Grading/Survey* x x x
Scarification (if applicable) x x x
Backfill Granular,
Utilities and Pipes
Geotextile (if applicable) x x x
Impermeable Liner (if applicable) x x
Underdrain (if applicable) x x
Overflow or Overflow Drain (if applicable) x x x
Monitoring Well (if applicable) x x
Clean Out Port x x x
Storage Reservoir x x
Stone Choker Layer (if applicable) x x
Curbing (if applicable) x x
Pre-treatment and Inlet x x x
Soil/Filter Media x x x
Finishing Grades:
Inlet, Outlet,
Biomedia and Plants
Finishing Grading x x x
Riprap/Large Stone (if applicable) x x x
Plant Verification and Installation x x x
Mulch Placement x x x
Stabilizing Contributing Drainage Area -
Planting Adjacent Vegetation
x x x
As-built Survey x x
Permanent Fencing (if applicable) x x
Post-Construction Identify and Address Deficiencies x x x
Assumption/Certification Protocols x x x

Construction Tasks Described[edit]

Pre-Construction (KM)[edit]

When the design is 90% complete, the project manager (PM) should conduct a walk-through of the site to verify that the designs match site conditions. This site walk-through is a critical step in the transition from design to construction and helps the project manager plan for future pre-bid or pre-construction meetings. Think carefully about how a contractor will be able to build the LID practice. At this stage, determine if the design drawings and construction notes address specific LID construction requirements, and determine whether they contain inaccuracies or are missing detail. The table below identifies details key points and considerations for the walk-through.

Design verification points and key considerations
Verification point Key considerations
Adjacent land uses
  • Have land uses changed while the design was in progress? Are there any planned land-use changes on adjacent properties and is their drainage connected to the site?
  • Will adjacent land uses create dirty runoff that may flow onto the construction site or into the LID feature?
  • Is additional erosion and sediment control (ESC) measures required beyond what is marked in the ESC plan?
Contributing and receiving drainage areas
  • Where is water coming onto the site and where is water leaving the site?
  • Are any environmentally sensitive areas downstream?
  • Are there any apparent changes while the design was in progress? If so, should these changes motivate modifications to the design, particular ESC measures, etc.?
Seasonal maintenance operations
  • Will winter snow storage and salt or sand application impact the LID feature?
Location of LID features
  • Do the proposed LID locations match the site?
  • Does the footprint of the LID fit within the site's constraints?
Existing and planned infrastructure/utilities
  • Confirm accuracy of design drawings.
  • Are there any unmarked utilities not detailed within the drawing set?
Property boundaries and building foundations
  • Confirm accuracy of design drawings.
  • Do fence lines align with property boundaries?
Natural heritage features and existing vegetation
  • Do the designs accurately capture existing natural heritage features? Which areas on the site should be protected during construction, and will these exclusion areas make the LID facility more difficult to construct? Where are the drip lines of the site's trees?
  • Are there any invasive species on the site which could colonize the LID practice?
Access, sequencing, staging, and constructability
  • Where will the contractor access the site?
  • What is the ideal construction sequence, and where could materials and supplies be stored during construction?
  • Do site characteristics constrain standard construction practices? Will it be a difficult job?
  • Do constructability issues require a field change or amendment to the design or project tender?

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Bioretention-specific comment here************

The project contract and tendered drawings, including details, notes, ESC requirements, material specifications, and testing requirements should align. Given that most standard contract templates do not include wording specific to LID construction, considerations for LID can be placed under special provisions within the contract.

Details within the drawings and contract should also be accurately reflected in the tender bid form. A detailed bid form that reflects the entirety of the work allows contractors to deliver accurate bids, lessens the likelihood of project shortcuts, and helps to ensure transparency amongst bids. Ultimately, clear bid pricing reduces the potential for misunderstandings and conflicts and attracts experienced contractors.

Minimum contractor requirements[edit]

Many contractors are unfamiliar with building LID practices, so project managers should consider minimum contractor requirements. Consider mandating contractor training, attendance at pre-bid meetings, LID project references, and bid bond insurance as prerequisites.

Communication, inspection plan, and utility coordination

Erosion and sediment controls, construction limits, natural heritage protection, and perimeter controls

Bioretention/Swales: Key Components, Descriptions and Routine I&M Requirements
Comnponent Description Inspection & Maintenance Tasks (Pass) Photo Example (Fail) Photo Example
Contributing Drainage Area (CDA)

Area(s) from which runoff directed to the BMP originates; includes both impervious and pervious areas.

  • Remove trash, debris and sediment from pavements (biannually to quarterly) and eavestroughs (annually);
  • Replant or seed bare soil areas as needed.
CDA has not changed in size or land cover. Sediment, trash or debris is not accumulating and point sources of contaminants are not visible.
Size of the CDA has changed from design assumptions. A point source for contaminants is visible (i.e. lack of sediment controls on adjacent construction site). (Photo Source: North Carolina Cooperative Extension)
Fail bio.PNG
ESC perpendicular grooves.jpg
If it were to rain, fines from this stockpile would go straight into the downstream catchbasin

ESC Inspection and Maintenance

Excavation and Mass Grading (KM)[edit]

Clearing and Grubbing
Excavation and rough grading
Fine grading and verification
Scarification and soil amendments

Backfill Granular and Pipes (JC)[edit]


Geotextile draped over the edges of the LID practice. Backfilling with granular material is taking place.

Geotextiles are filter fabrics that can be installed to separate dissimilar soils and prevent the migration of materials. As such, proper installation of geotextiles is important for ensuring the proper division of materials.

Construction Steps:

  • Roll out fabric on the flattened sub-grade surface
  • Provide a minimum overlap of 300 mm between adjacent lengths of geotextile. If the manufacturer specifies a greater overlap, follow the manufacturer’s specification
  • Fabric should be secured in place with stakes along the edge of the sub-grade surface and where lengths of fabric overlap
  • Provide 500 mm of excess at the ends of each length of fabric
  • Excess material should be folded on top of the infiltration medium/choker course once installed
  • Provide cuts for trees where appropriate

Key Inspection Points:

  • Geotextile is clean and free of damage
  • Geotextile delivered to the site matches the design specifications and is approved by the engineer prior to installation
  • Sufficient overlap is provided between lengths of fabric
  • Geotextiles have been applied as per the manufacturer’s guidelines
  • Structural considerations for geotextiles have been made when applied adjacent to infrastructure and the geotextile can handle expected structural loads
  • Class II geotextiles conform to OPSS 1860

Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Wrinkles in the fabric – follow the manufacturer’s procedure for installation to ensure geotextiles lie smooth on sub-grade
  • Unnecessary application of geotextile – mixing of media is negligible where structural loads are not expected, so geotextile does not need to be applied. Also geotextiles should not be used where root growth is encouraged to penetrate different layers of media

For more information on geotextiles, see the page on geotextiles.

Underdrains are pipes that can be included to collect subsurface water. Their design is determined by the drainage requirements of the feature.

Construction Steps:

  • Install the underdrain to grade with a consistent slope of 0.5% to 1.0%
  • Connect overflow risers with single-elbowed ‘y’ connections or 45° elbows
  • Situate maintenance risers where siltation is expected in drain lines (such as at junctions or where grade and direction changes occur)
  • Mark the locations of risers
  • Use video inspections to confirm that the interior of the underdrain remains free of debris after construction

Key Inspection Points:

  • Size, type, and material of the underdrain conforms to the design specifications
  • Underdrain is perforated prior to arrival on-site
  • Drain material is resistant to UV radiation and any chemicals in the soil and groundwater
  • Clean-outs are positioned correctly and spaced appropriately for the size of the underdrain
  • Any manual perforations are approved by the engineer
  • Pipe grade matches design specifications
  • Tie-in locations to municipal sewers meet City specifications

Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Incorrect overflow risers – ensure single-elbowed ‘y’ connections or 45° elbows are used for overflow risers instead of ‘T’ connections
  • Incorrect drain size – confirm underdrain has an internal diameter greater than or equal to 200 mm to reduce freezing and allow cleaning and camera inspections
  • Potential for clogging – Remove sock from underdrain prior to installation

For more information on the design of under-drains, see the page on under-drains.

Impermeable Liners

An impermeable liner was placed along one side of the LID facility to prevent infiltrated water from contacting the nearby watermain in the road right-of-way, which runs parallel to the feature.

Impermeable liners can be applied when LID features are not intended to infiltrate runoff into the underlying soil. Where building foundations that are adjacent to the LID feature are not waterproofed, liners can be used to protect neighbouring infrastructure.

Construction Steps:

  • Compact 30 – 50 mm of sand over the soil onto which the membrane will be installed to protect against punctures. Alternatively, a geotextile can be used in the place of sand
  • Place lengths of liner on the bed of the facility as per the manufacturer’s specifications
  • Provide 150 mm of overlap between adjacent lengths of liner
  • Secure liner in-place and bond together the overlapping portions of liner as specified by the manufacturer
  • Where pipes provide drainage from the practice, a flange should be sealed to the pipe and liner.
  • Compact sand or apply cushion fabric on top of the liner to protect against punctures

Key Inspection Points:

  • Liner is confirmed to match design specifications
  • Liner installation conforms to manufacturer’s specifications
  • Minimum overlap between lengths of liner is achieved
  • Need for impermeable liner is confirmed through field verification of setbacks to adjacent infrastructure
  • Sand and/or geotextile are applied on both sides of the liner to protect against punctures
  • Lengths of liner are bonded together to ensure protection against groundwater contamination

For more information on impermeable liners, see the page on liners.

Overflow or Overflow Drain
Overflows are features of inline facilities and convey larger storm events out of the LID feature.

Construction Steps:

  • Connect the overflow drain to the under-drain
  • Install overflow pit to grade at the location specified in the contract documents
  • Fit a metal, domed grate to the overflow

Key Inspection Points:

  • Overflow drain matches design specifications
  • Overflow pit is positioned at the maximum water surface elevation of the practice, as per the contract documents
  • Sufficient freeboard is provided between the overflow and inlet such that the inlet is not inundated by design storm flows
  • Overflow grate matches design specifications
  • Overflow grates that are located in high-traffic areas are screwed on or equipped with locks

Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Backflows – ensure that backflows are avoided by confirming that inlet and overflow elevations match design specifications with surveys
  • Incorrect sequencing – install overflow drain prior to backfilling with granular material and engineered soil
  • Incorrect grate material – avoid using plastic overflow grates due to breakages and UV degradation

For more information on overflow drains, see the page on overflows.

Monitoring well
Monitoring wells are important for sampling procedures and ensuring that bioretention features are performing as intended.

Construction Steps:

  • Anchor the perforated pipe to the bottom of the LID feature
  • Install a lockable cap to the top of the standpipe to protect against vandalism

Key Inspection Points:

  • Pipe is perforated, rigid, and matches design specifications
  • Well is installed according to contract documents
  • Geotextile sock is wrapped around the perforated portion of the well

Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Incorrect sequencing – ensure that standpipe is installed prior to backfilling with granular material

For more information on monitoring wells, see the page on monitoring wells.

Backfill Granular and Pipes (SPC)[edit]

Storage Reservoir

Union Tpke 176th St td (2020-12-21) 04 - NYCDEP Rain Garden.jpg


Construction Steps

  • Backfill material from outside of the LID facility to avoid compaction and sediment entering the facilities.
  • Place material to the elevation and thickness as per the design specifications

Key Inspection Points

  • Material arrival to the site: meets specifications as per design, no debris in the aggregate, washed or clean aggregate with little to no fine materials
  • When placing the storage reservoir material, ensure that no damage occurs to the underdrain utilities.

Mistakes to Avoid

  • Accepting material that does not meet design requirements and specifications
  • Install material with heavy equipment from the inside of the LID facility

For more information on the storage reservoir, see the page: Reservoir aggregate

Stone Choker Layer

Construction Steps

Key Inspection Points

Mistakes to Avoid

For more information on the choker layer, see the page: Choker layer

It is very important to make sure that the contractor responsible for curb construction understands curb cut designs and elevations. This is often a new technique for contractors and they may not understand the overall concept of water in the gutter line being directed behind the gutter.

Construction Steps:
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  1. Place the right forms (rolled curve vs standard) in the inlet location.
  2. Pour concrete.
  3. Shape the inlet
  4. Add the river stone on top of the fresh concrete (if applicable)
  5. Let concrete cure according to its specifications (CSA A23.1-09) and curing time.

Key Inspection Points:

  • When pouring the concrete, making sure that the concrete truck is not inside the LID facility

Mistakes to avoid:

  • Elevated curb cuts and reverse slopes (sloping from back of curb towards instead of depressing from gutter line towards the back)
  • Curb cut width size
  • Placement of curb cuts on steep slopes or the down slope side of a catchbasin

For more information on curb cuts, see these pages: Curb cuts, Curb cuts: Gallery and Bioretention: Streetscapes

Pre-treatment and Inlet
Pre-treatment structures are most cost effective when they slow down incoming flows, collect sediment for easy clean out, and slowly release water to the bioretention facility mitigating erosion. Pre-treatment structures/strategies can include curb cuts, Aggregates, proprietary devices like filters or hydrodynamic separators, vegetation, concrete sumps and etc.

Construction Steps:
Installation of pre-treatment features will vary based upon type. Similarly, installation timeline will range with type and could occur at excavation and mass grading, curb work or at finishing grade. Given pre-treatment features are typically integrated with the LID inlet coordination amongst multiple sub-contractors is sometime needed. The following details steps for various pre-treatment types:

  • Vegetation: Follow the guidance shown below in the section “Plant Material Verification and Installation”
  • Curbing: Follow the guidance shown above in the section “Curbing”.
  • Aggregate: Follow the guidance shown above in the section “Stone reservoir”.
  • Proprietary pre-treatment device:
  1. Excavate and prepare base for proprietary pre-treatment device according to design.
  2. Install proprietary pre-treatment device according manufacturer directions.
  3. Manufacturer representative may need to confirm proper installation and functioning through approved testing and inspection.

Construction steps:

Key Inspection Points:

  • Verify that’s correct pretreatment device (jelly fish, vegetation, curbing, etc.)
  • Correct size and location
  • Correct elevation and footing
  • Is it tied into the curb? Or could happen before the curbing?
  • Does it work?

Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Using wrong concrete forms if concrete curbs are selected

For more information about pre-treatment strategies and their design, visit these page: Pretreatment and Pretreatment features

Soil Media / Filter Media
Bioretention can be constructed over any soil type, but hydrologic soil group A and B are best for achieving water balance objectives. Facilities designed to infiltrate water should be located on portions of the site with the highest infiltration rates.

Construction Steps

For small LID facilities:

  • Apply soil media in 150-300 mm lifts until desired top elevation of bioretention, bioswale or rain garden area is achieved
  • Thoroughly wet each lift before adding the next and wait until water has drained through the soil before adding the next lift.

For large LID facilities:

  • Apply soil media in 150-300 mm lifts with slinger trucks. This type of equipment will reduce the need to move soil media manually or by backhoe.
  • Thoroughly wet each lift before adding the next and wait until water has drained through the soil before adding the next lift.

Key Inspection Points:

  • When material arrives to the site: perform chain of custody, visual inspection and ribbon test to ensure that material meets design requirements.
  • Ensure that soil media is being applied to the correct depth

Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Machine compaction: Equipment should not be operated within the infiltration practice.
  • Soil material: Accepting material that does not meet design specifications and requirements
  • Soil material application: Applying the next lift without letting the previous lift of filter material dry.
  • All exposed soil areas that are not being actively worked must have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover within 7 days for slopes 3:1 or greater and 14 days for slopes 3:1 or greater and 14 days for slopes 3:1 or flatter. This should apply to all exposed soil areas year-round and until the site is stabilized.

Finishing Grades: Inlet, Outlet, Biomedia, Plants (SPC)[edit]

Finish Grading
The finish grading process is another critical handoff moment as a number of elements such as curbs, sidewalks, soils and vegetation start to come together to create the functional and aesthetic value of a site. The same supervision and communication that was put into controlling ESC in earlier stages is also required during finish grading. In many cases, more attention to detail is needed for elements in this phase that will create or not the success of the final product.

Construction steps Soil Media:

  • Backfill or sling material from outside of the LID facility at the lowest possible speed to avoid loss of component material.
  • Apply material in 150-300 mm lifts until the desired elevation and thickness, allowing for positive flow.
  • Wet material between lifts, allowing for drying before backfilling/slinging another lift.

Key Inspection Points:

Mistakes to avoid:

Large Stone and Riprap
Riprap serves as a protective layer to: prevent sediment entering the underlying layers and clogging the LID facility, dissipate stormwater energy, and stabilize the terrain and slope.

Construction Steps:

  1. Backfill the material from the outside of the LID facility to avoid compaction.
  2. Ensure the material is being placed to the elevation and thickness to the design requirements.

Key Inspection Points:

  • Arrival of material to the site: material meets specifications as per design, no debris in the aggregate and, if possible, washed or clean stone with little to no fine materials in it.
  • Placement: material is backfilled to the right depth and elevation.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Use of wrong material that does not meet design specifications. If there are changes in the material, it must be approved by the supervisor or project manager.

Plant Material Verification and Installation

CVC staff planting plant material at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School in Brampton, Ontario.

A healthy and vibrant vegetation structure provides itself with nutrients to sustain growth. Additionally, it holds, and retains water and oxygen, and binds and degrades pollutants. When selecting plants, consider the following:

  • Native species need fewer inputs and are better adapted to local climate and soils.
  • Larger plant stock should be considered and prioritized in areas of frequent ponding and concentrated flows.
  • Trees, shrubs, grasses, sedges and/or rushes present unique benefits and limitations in LID facilities. For example, debris from trees/shrubs may block outlets, but their size and form of planting can provide superior establishment in challenging locations.
  • Planted plants in a moderately diverse cluster of plants are more easily maintained and more visually accepted and pleasing to the general public.
  • A planting plan should include species that tolerate harsh conditions (e.g., drought, water inundation and/or salt). Most riparian plant species will do well in rain gardens, bioswales and bioretention facilities.

Tree guards used at Haggert Ave bioswale in Brampton, Ontario.

During installation:

  • Time of planting: It is crucial for plant survival and thriving, avoid at all times planting during summer months with higher temperatures (July and August) and winter months (November - March). Consider planting early in the spring (April - June) or late in the fall (September - October).
  • Planting depth: Plant each plug/tree or shrub to the desired depth as per design considerations. For small plants, it is recommended to use small tools such as a hand trowel.
  • Plant substitution: Any changes in the species delivered during construction must be accepted by the designer and/or supervision team before installing.
  • Trees/Shrubs protection: If any trees/shrubs need protection, ensure that they receive it by installing proper tree guards.
  • Irrigation: It is recommended for the plant material to receive additional watering right after planting if no rainfall event occurs. Also, plant material should be watered during the summer months or during drought periods for two years after planting.
  • Fertilizers: The use of these products is acceptable, as long as they are applied properly.
  • Pesticides: It is recommended to only use if needed.

For more information regarding plant selection, refer to Plant lists and Plant selection.

Mulch Placement
Stabilizing Contributing Drainage Area - Planting Adjacent Vegetation
Similar to the plant material verification and installation task shown above, any planting required to stabilize the contributing drainage area will need to meet the specifications and considerations shown above.

Additionally, if turf/grass is required to stabilize the contributing drainage area, installation should be done as per the grower/nursery’s specifications and standards.

Finishing Grades: Inlet, Outlet, Biomedia, Plants (JC)[edit]

As-built Survey
Throughout the construction process, it is sometimes necessary to deviate from the intended design of LID features and adapt the design to on-site conditions. The completion of a post-construction as-built survey is a standard operating procedure for engineering projects that captures and changes that were made to the feature’s design during construction.

Survey Steps:

  • Use the same datum as the pre-engineering survey
  • If a pre-engineering survey is not available, use a reference feature as the datum
  • Include data on critical feature elevations and existing utilities, such as:
    • Inverts of newly installed pipe
    • Vertical and horizontal bends in pipes
    • Existing public utilities
    • Existing private utilities
    • New and existing structures (e.g. catchbasins, manholes, chambers, etc.)
  • Identify the type, diameter, and material of exposed utilities

Inspection Points:

  • Datum matches the pre-engineering survey or selected reference feature
  • Data provided in as-built survey matches the as-built standards of the City

Address Deficiencies and Assumption Protocols (JC)[edit]

Permanent Fencing
Delineating features with permanent fencing can eliminate tripping and falling hazards and protect soil media and plantings.

Construction Steps:

  • Securely Install fencing around the perimeter of the feature

Inspection Points:

  • Fencing size and material matches design
  • Fencing is installed in correct location as per design

Identify and Address Deficiencies
Prior to passing responsibility to the landowner, contractors must ensure that any deficiencies in the LID feature’s construction are addressed. Keep in-mind what mistakes must be avoided during each construction task.

Final inspection requirements are in-place to ensure that a final site-wide inspection is performed and allow for mitigation to occur before the contractor is relieved of responsibility. Final certifications are performed by knowledgeable personnel, such as the design engineer, who are qualified to ensure that LID features are operating as intended. This stage is critically important, as it is the last opportunity for issues to be resolved before the property owner assumes responsibility of the practice. The University of Minnesota and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency recommend four (4) levels of inspection for final inspections of LID infiltration and filtration practices. The level of inspection, or combination of tests, that is selected is dependent on the goals of the assessment and feasibility of each inspection.

Visual Inspection (Level 1):
This qualitative method is low cost and requires minimal effort to conduct. Visual inspection should be used as an initial step to determine if the LID practice is operating properly. Visual inspections can be performed during dry weather and wet weather to identify situations where water is ponding for longer than intended (24 hours).

Surface Infiltration Capacity Testing (Level 2):
Using infiltrometers or permeameters to measure the hydraulic conductivity at several locations in the LID feature at various times of year can quantitatively verify that the practice can perform as intended.

Synthetic Runoff Testing (Level 3):
To perform the test, the practice must be filled with synthetic runoff and the change in water level must be monitored. Using clean water from a fire hydrant or water truck, synthetic runoff testing can measure the performance of an LID feature in a controlled environment. For this test to be feasible, a series of conditions must be met:

  • A water supply that can deliver the required discharge and volume requirements
  • The LID feature must be offline
  • No precipitation must be expected for 48 hours
  • Outflow paths must be temporarily plugged or measured (aside from infiltration)
  • The water surface elevation can be measured throughout the test

Long-term Monitoring (Level 4):
Monitoring offers a comprehensive approach to assessing peak flow reduction and water volume reduction. These reductions can be quantified by completing a water budget during natural storm events, specifically through the measurement of inflow and outflow. Long-term monitoring is especially recommended if the LID feature that is the subject of the test is the first of its kind in its given jurisdiction, if geologic conditions pose a concern, or if the feature is being implemented to protect sensitive and significant natural features. It is important to recognize, however, that the unpredictability of natural storm events can lead to inaccuracies in data collection. Furthermore, long-term monitoring generally has the highest cost of the four levels of monitoring.

Key Construction Inspection Points[edit]

Inspection Point Timeline[edit]

Construction Mistakes to Avoid[edit]

Construction Certifications Protocols[edit]