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[[File:Dry enhanced swale.png|thumb|Skeleton schematic illustrating the installation of [[check dams]] with centralized, flow concentrating cutouts]]
#REDIRECT [[Enhanced swales]]
[[File:Wet swale.png|thumb|The check dams are spaced slightly further apart than would be recommended to maximize infiltration capacity i.e. ponding isn't quite continuous between the dams.]]
This article is about installations designed to capture and convey surface runoff along a vegetated channel, whilst also promoting infiltration. <br>
For underground conveyance which promotes infiltration, see [[Exfiltration trenches]].<br>
For conveyance along planted channels, on both surface and underground, see [[Bioswales]].
'''The fundamental components of an enhanced grassed swale are:'''
*Graded channel
*[[Turf| Resilient turf grass]]
*[[Check dams]], to facilitate short term ponding
'''Additional components may include:'''
*[[Absorbent landscapes| Amended soil]], to increase infiltration to soils below
*[[Liner|Impermeable membrane]], to prevent infiltration to soils below
*[[Turf reinforcement]], to prevent scour
==Planning considerations==
===Best cross sections===
[[File:Best X-section.png|thumb|Both sections a)triangular and, b)trapezoidal, are constrained within ratios of 8:1 H:V]]
[[File:Sections_perimeters.png|thumb|At lowest flow rates (smallest area) the trapezoidal swale (b) has the greater wetted perimeter; at higher flow rates (greater area) the triangular geometry (a)has a larger wetted perimeter for same area. Both channels modelled using ratios shown in figure above]]
Enhanced swales aim to both reduce the flow rate and retain a portion of the conveyed water. For these purposes the best x-section is that which maximizes the wetted perimeter for a given area.
For a given width and depth, the difference between a triangular and trapzoidal section is small. As shown in the diagrams, under low flow conditions the trapezoidal has greater wetted perimeter, and at higher flows the triangular profile does.
All swales should be designed to meet the following criteria:
*Minimum residence time of 5 minutes.
*Maximum flow velocity 0.3 m/s
*Bottom width between 0.6 - 2.4 m
*Minimum length 30 m
Maximum depth of flow
*50% height of grass for regularly mown swales, to maximum of 75 mm.
*33% height of vegetation for infrequently mown swales.
===Check dams===
{{:Check dams}}
{{:Swales: TTT}}

Latest revision as of 14:23, 12 March 2018

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