These types of treatment trains combine practices that address different [[Screening LID options|design criteria]], in recognition that most individual stormwater facility types do not meet all design criteria as stand-alone facilities. For instance, [[SWM ponds|stormwater wet ponds]] may provide [[water quality]], erosion and flood control but not water balance control (i.e. [[Runoff volume control targets|runoff volume control]]). [[Bioretention]] provides good water quality and water balance control but are rarely designed for flood control. | These types of treatment trains combine practices that address different [[Screening LID options|design criteria]], in recognition that most individual stormwater facility types do not meet all design criteria as stand-alone facilities. For instance, [[SWM ponds|stormwater wet ponds]] may provide [[water quality]], erosion and flood control but not water balance control (i.e. [[Runoff volume control targets|runoff volume control]]). [[Bioretention]] provides good water quality and water balance control but are rarely designed for flood control. |