| Two of the main considerations contractors face in maintaining parking lots in winter are: what application rate should be used; and what is the level of service expected by the property owner, for which the bare pavement return time is a common measure (this is the amount of time it takes after treatment to achieve a bare surface). To better understand these questions in 2017 the LSRCA obtained a friction tester, with a goal of quantifying the effectiveness of various practices and salt application rates. Here we present some of the findings of this study. | | Two of the main considerations contractors face in maintaining parking lots in winter are: what application rate should be used; and what is the level of service expected by the property owner, for which the bare pavement return time is a common measure (this is the amount of time it takes after treatment to achieve a bare surface). To better understand these questions in 2017 the LSRCA obtained a friction tester, with a goal of quantifying the effectiveness of various practices and salt application rates. Here we present some of the findings of this study. |
| As can be seen in the inset table, the unit for measuring friction is ‘µ’, and the closer to 1.00 the µ value, the safer the surface. A high µ, however, is not the only measure of safety – many smooth indoor floors will have low µ values, in the range of 0.3 to 0.4, and they are generally not considered unsafe. Through this study, we measured the friction of several different surfaces, which received varying treatments. | | As can be seen in the inset table, the unit for measuring friction is ‘µ’, and the closer to 1.00 the µ value, the safer the surface. A high µ, however, is not the only measure of safety – many smooth indoor floors will have low µ values, in the range of 0.3 to 0.4, and they are generally not considered unsafe. Through this study, we measured the friction of several different surfaces, which received varying treatments. <br> |