| [[File:388 Greenwich Street Plaza td (2022-02-01) 016.jpg|thumb|500px|Salted steps located within a plaza in New York to help limit slips, trips and falls. Rock salt has major impacts on our infrastructure, as it increases the rate of erosion/decay of supporting materials (rebar in concrete, etc.) and can lead to structural failure if overused (Wallace, et al. 2022).<ref>Wallace, A., Hitch, C., Ruppert, J., Chomicki, K., Cartwright, L., and VanSeters, T. 2022. Freshwater Salinization. Water Canada. January/February 2022. WC122. Digital. https://cdn.watercanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/17161341/WC122_JanFeb2022_DIGITAL.pdf</ref>]] | | [[File:Salt by catchbasin.PNG|thumb|500px|Excess salt located by a curb and next to a stormwater catch basin in a parking lot. Salt entering a catch basin is one of the many ways rock salt and elevated levels of chloride can enter the local freshwater system. Rock salt has major impacts on infrastructure, as it increases the rate of erosion/decay of supporting materials (rebar in concrete, etc.) and can lead to structural failure if overused (Wallace, et al. 2022).<ref>Wallace, A., Hitch, C., Ruppert, J., Chomicki, K., Cartwright, L., and VanSeters, T. 2022. Freshwater Salinization. Water Canada. January/February 2022. WC122. Digital. https://cdn.watercanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/17161341/WC122_JanFeb2022_DIGITAL.pdf</ref>]] Photo Source: LSRCA, 2018. <ref>LSRCA. 2018. Parking Lot Design Guidelines: Municipal Policy Templates to Promote Salt Reduction in Parking Lots. https://www.lsrca.on.ca/Shared%20Documents/Parking-Lot-Design-Guidelines/Parking%20Lot%20Design%20Guidelines.pdf.</ref> |