| *These high values pose a considerable threat to fish, aquatic organisms, and ecosystem health overall - especially considering the frequency and duration of these values in major watercourses in urbanized areas of the province. The findings highlight the need for increased water monitoring efforts and requirements for new sensor technology to capture and accurate representation of the current state of our rivers and streams. (Wallace, et al. 2022).<ref>Wallace, A., Hitch, C., Ruppert, J., Chomicki, K., Cartwright, L., and VanSeters, T. 2022. Freshwater Salinization. Water Canada. January/February 2022. WC122. Digital. https://cdn.watercanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/17161341/WC122_JanFeb2022_DIGITAL.pdf</ref>]] | | *These high values pose a considerable threat to fish, aquatic organisms, and ecosystem health overall - especially considering the frequency and duration of these values in major watercourses in urbanized areas of the province. The findings highlight the need for increased water monitoring efforts and requirements for new sensor technology to capture and accurate representation of the current state of our rivers and streams. (Wallace, et al. 2022).<ref>Wallace, A., Hitch, C., Ruppert, J., Chomicki, K., Cartwright, L., and VanSeters, T. 2022. Freshwater Salinization. Water Canada. January/February 2022. WC122. Digital. https://cdn.watercanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/17161341/WC122_JanFeb2022_DIGITAL.pdf</ref> |