Certain roadway network designs create less impervious area than others. Figure 3.2.3 from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (2002) demonstrates that loop and cul-de-sac street patterns require less area for streets. These layouts by themselves may not achieve the many goals of urban design. However, used in a hybrid form together or with other street patterns, they can meet multiple urban design objectives and reduce the necessary street area (CMHC, 2002). A study comparing different road network designs for a hypothetical community showed a fused grid pattern can reduce impervious cover by 4.3% compared to a traditional neighbourhood design (CMHC, 2007).
Certain roadway network designs create less impervious area than others. Figure 3.2.3 from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (2002) demonstrates that loop and cul-de-sac street patterns require less area for streets. These layouts by themselves may not achieve the many goals of urban design. However, used in a hybrid form together or with other street patterns, they can meet multiple urban design objectives and reduce the necessary street area.<ref>Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). 2002 (Revised 2005, 2007). Residential Street Pattern Design. Research Highlight: Socio-Economic Series 75.</ref>A study comparing different road network designs for a hypothetical community showed a fused grid pattern can reduce impervious cover by 4.3% compared to a traditional neighbourhood design.<ref>Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). 2007. Research Highlight: A Plan for Rainy Days: Water Runoff and Site Planning. Socioeconomic Series 07-013. Ottawa, ON.</ref>