Organic matter is matter that has come from a once-living organism (i.e., plants and animals), is capable of decay or the product of decay, or is composed of organic compounds. Once it has decayed to the point at which it is no longer recognizable it is called soil organic matter. When the organic matter has broken down into a stable substance that resists further decomposition it is called humus. Soil organic matter comprises all of the organic matter in the soil, exclusive of the material that has not | Organic matter is matter that has come from a once-living organism (i.e., plants and animals), is capable of decay or the product of decay, or is composed of organic compounds. Once it has decayed to the point at which it is no longer recognizable it is called soil organic matter. When the organic matter has broken down into a stable substance that resists further decomposition it is called humus. Soil organic matter comprises all of the organic matter in the soil, exclusive of the material that has not |