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As shallow grassed swales are a common roadside construction, the Ministry of Transport has created their own guide to maximum flow depth and freeboard<ref>Ontario Ministry of Transportation, & Ontario Ministry for Transportation. (2016). Stormwater Management Requirements for Land Development Proposals. Retrieved February 26, 2018, from</ref><ref>Drainage and Hydrology Section Transportation Engienering Branch Quality and Standards Division. (1997). MTO Drainage Management Manual. Retrieved from</ref>. Their advice has been prepared specifically for high risk environments and those stringent constraints should not be applied to all circumstances. In many urban environments the principle of applying check dams to enhance all surface BMPs can be safely used to encourage ponding and subsequent [[infiltration]] for a day or two.
As shallow grassed swales are a common roadside construction, the Ministry of Transport has created their own guide to maximum flow depth and freeboard<ref>Ontario Ministry of Transportation, & Ontario Ministry for Transportation. (2016). Stormwater Management Requirements for Land Development Proposals. Retrieved February 26, 2018, from</ref><ref>Drainage and Hydrology Section Transportation Engienering Branch Quality and Standards Division. (1997). MTO Drainage Management Manual. Retrieved from</ref>. Their advice has been prepared specifically for high risk environments and those stringent constraints should not be applied to all circumstances. In many urban environments the principle of applying check dams to enhance all surface BMPs can be safely used to encourage ponding and subsequent [[infiltration]] for a day or two.
===Native Soil===
Swales can be located over any soil type, but HSG A and B soils are best for achieving water balance objectives. Facilities should be located in portions of the site with the highest native soil infiltration rates. Where infiltration rates are less than 15 mm/hr (hydraulic conductivity less than 1x10-6 cm/s) an underdrain is recommended. Native soil infiltration rate at the proposed facility location and depth should be confirmed through in-situ measurements of hydraulic conductivity under field saturated conditions.
===Wellhead Protection===
Facilities receiving road or parking lot runoff should not be located within year 2 year time-of-travel wellhead protection areas (see local drinking water source protection plan).
===Available Space===
Reserve open space of about 5 to 20% of the size of the contributing drainage area. A width of at least 2 metres is needed
===Site Topography===
Contributing slopes should be between 1 to 5%. Swale longitudinal slopes may range from 0.5 to 6% (this prevents ponding while providing residence time and preventing erosion). On slopes steeper than 3%, check dams should be used.
===Water Table===
Maintaining a separation of 1 m between the elevations of the base of the practice and the seasonally high water table, or top of bedrock is recommended. Lesser or greater values may be considered based on groundwater mounding analysis. See STEP LID Planning and Design Guide wiki page, [[Groundwater]], for further guidance and spreadsheet tool.
===Pollution Hot Spot Runoff===
To protect groundwater from possible contamination, runoff from pollution hot spots (i.e. (e.g., vehicle fueling, servicing and demolition areas, outdoor storage and handling areas for hazardous materials and some heavy
industry sites) should not be treated by swales designed for infiltration. Facilities designed with an impermeable liner (filtration only) can be used to treat runoff from hot spots.
===Proximity to Underground Utilities===
Designers should consult local utility design guidance for the horizontal and vertical clearance between storm drains, ditches and surface water bodies. Utilities running parallel to the grass swale should be offset from the centerline of the swale. Generally, underground utilities below the bottom of the swale are not a problem.
Swales designed for infiltration are not suitable in areas of known or implied karst topography.
===Setback from Buildings===
Should be set back a minimum of 4m from building foundations.


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