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==Large stone and riprap==
==Large stone and riprap==
{{:Construction: large stone and riprap}}
{{:Construction: large stone and riprap}}
Riprap serves as a protective layer to:  prevent sediment entering the underlying layers and clogging the LID facility, dissipate stormwater energy, and stabilize the terrain and slope.
'''Construction Steps:'''
#Backfill the material from the outside of the LID facility to avoid compaction.
#Ensure the material is being placed to the elevation and thickness to the design requirements.
'''Key Inspection Points:'''
*Arrival of material to the site: material meets specifications as per design, no debris in the aggregate and, if possible, washed or clean stone with little to no fine materials in it.
*Placement: material is backfilled to the right depth and elevation.
'''Common Mistakes to Avoid:'''
*Use of wrong material that does not meet design specifications. If there are changes in the material, it must be approved by the supervisor or project manager.<br> 
{{:riprap: Gallery}}

==Plant material verification and installation==
==Plant material verification and installation==

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